Okonkwo’s years in exile were far tiring,
desperate and difficult. In every way he tried to figure out what he would do
when returning to Umofia. He had five new sons and made sure he taught them
very well that what his older brother Nwoye done, by uniting to the white men
was erroneous. Ezinma had grown into a beautiful women, many suitors wanted to
marry her but she kept her promise of her father's will, that had asked to marry in
Umofia when they returned.
Many changes had occurred here in Mbanta, evry day and each people allied to the white men's religion, one of the first men who did it was Ogbuefi
Ugonna who received the holy communion and broke his title anklet, another
change that a government was installed a court followed with a District Commissioner
who judge unwisely and ignorantly most cases, court messengers were hated.
By the means of things getting even wose, one day Obierika, Okonkwo’s friend came
and spoke how Abame had been kicked out by the white men. They had lost their courage and were disgraced.
In Umofia thingsevolved more quickly, a trading store was set and money fled through the tribe when never in their history a thing of such matter happened. Mr Brown the
white missionary soon became friends with the people, he was gentle and kind
towards their beliefs and offered lessons were he demonstrated that both
religions had similarities but were interpreted in a different way, he built a
small hospital and a school, asking to send the children and to not be afraid
soon lots of people did so and learned. Soon Mr. Brown was getting old and
would leave it was in the rainy season when Okonkwo returned from his exile,
that Mr. Brown came to pay him a visit and inform of his son Isaac but he was commanded
to leave, people didn’t notice much of his returning and Okonkwo flet grieved
because of his clan breaking.The successor of Mr. Brown was Reverend Smith, he was a dull, squared man and thought that it was not needed for a large group of people to be followers of the religion but rather those who deserved it by showing it.
Enoch one of the tribesmen was a rebel and confused religion, one day during the annual ceremony for their earth godess, he said to the egwuwus(masked spirits) they would not dare touch a Christians at what they approached and pushed with canes but Enoch quickly fell over one of them and unmasked the spirit; this was considered a great crime as one of their beliefs. Enoch quickly ran to Mr Smith and hide their, he was afraid they might kill him, immediately the egwuwus found them and broke in the church, they told him not to worry they would not do any harm but in real the shrine was to be destroyed and so it was burnt.
Okonkwo felt happy that something was done, altough for short but effective enough to scare the white men, the next following week nothing happened. The district commissionaire had come to Umofia and spoke with Mr. Smith, soon the six leaders of the tribe were summoned to come visit the commissionaire, they were received politely and talked calmly but what they did not know that this was a trap. They were locked up on the guardroom. They remained for several days and the conditions were terrible, they were shaved and hit on the head, they could not go urinate, there was no food and Okonkwo was really angry at them.
The messenger was sent to town to tell all the
people that in order to release their leaders they should give 250 cowries.(the
50 cowries were stolen by the messenger), people obeyed and they were released.
Feeling ashamed and reluctant of the white men was something konkwo could not bear, Ezinma prepared his father food, but he barely
ate, the village crier announced by his gong the next day a meeting would be
held and Okonkwo finally thought they were going to speak up of all the injustices.
That night he could not sleep. He remembered of a man of their tribe Egonwanne
who was a coward and the obstacle of Umofia, he decided he would talk to him
the next day.
The next day was expressed that all their gods
were suffering and that action shall be taken, when all were getting excited of
what to do a white messenger passed and ordered that the meeting be dismissed,
Okonkwo who had much hatred towards the white men, stood up and lift his
machete and cut off his head.
The rumors had fled that Okonkwo had killed, the
district comissionare was searching and asked but nobody knew, Obierika knew he
was at his house and so led them toward it by a bush and saw Okonkwo was dead
hanging in a tree, the comisionare asked him to unhang him but he told him that
was against their custom and then exclaimed he was one of the greatest men in
Umofia and to reflect onwhat he had done. But the men just stared and ordered
the chief messenger to unhang him. The comisionare had written a book about the
“primitive” or so he called them mocking their traditions and their way of
being and in the end we can see how white man have ruled since then, they think
everything is meant for them to be served, to be praised and they have the
reason. Humanity was not meant to be discriminatory,it is a shame we can learn from other people customs and end up killing them because they are not "like us" but people tend to close their minds on things that to them don't make sense but really do, things are done unfairly but in the end they lose for not being a person of common sense and feeling less, and what is more inhuman is hatred building up inside yourself like a snake poisining you and do actions you would not do. What is the use of making someone feel they are worth less than you and make believe that what he/she was taught is wrong and lived in a lie when if we can't even know what we belive in is not there to be verified.
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